by admin | Aug 19, 2022 | flooring care
You’ve had your hardwood flooring for several years now (or perhaps many years)…and you’ve noticed the floors don’t have the same sheen or sense of warmth that they once did. They’re showing the signs of age and wear–dulling,...
by admin | Jun 16, 2022 | flooring advice
As the summer heat settles in place here in Oklahoma’s Green Country, you may notice some changes in your hardwood floors, especially after a run of particularly humid weather. Perhaps you’ve noticed some unevenness in the planks–a sign of warping or...
by admin | Aug 23, 2019 | wood floors
While the overall look and feel of hardwood flooring is unmistakable in any home, the options you have for creating a distinct look are nearly infinite. Not only can you choose from dozens of different types of wood and hardness levels, but wood flooring can be...